
Solutions for Invisalign Pain

Before Invisalign, patients seeking a perfect smile were forced to go through the often-grueling process of braces. Synonymous with unsightly metal wires and brackets, braces definitely got the job done, but took a substantial timeframe that was uncomfortably visible to those around you. “You may need an occlusal guard if you experience daily morning tooth pain”

On the other hand, Invisalign and its stealth like aligners manage to generate the same results in a shorter and more flexible time period alongside a near invisible appearance. Relieving patients from the insecurities of braces’ obvious appearance, as well as their permanent installation, its important to note that no procedure is a perfect experience. 

The Pain Involved

Similar to braces, Invisalign cause some amount of pain and discomfort, especially through the initial stages! This is completely normal and unfortunately, is one of the few prices to pay (besides physical dollars) to transform your smile. 

Shifting misaligned teeth into a desirable position is no overnight task. The teeth and their roots are lodged deep into the jawbone, meaning when they begin to move position, whether through the force of braces or Invisalign trays, it will result in discomfort. 

Defining Normal

As Invisalign effectively and efficiently moves the smile’s alignment, expect some pain to be involved. The good news is that for most patients, this experience is described as pressure or discomfort, indicating it’s generally less severe than traditional braces. 

These sensations are most present during the first few days of your new Invisalign treatment plan and also present each time you swap out a newly updated aligner. At surface value this might be troubling, but it’s actually great news! As it indicates that your Invisalign treatment is actually working as intended to realign your teeth. Remember, pain is inescapable when transforming the structure of the smile!

Invisalign’s aligners are perfectly crafted to match the grooves of your smile every 2 weeks or so as it continues to change throughout the duration of the treatment plan. So, once you swap out trays, the first few days tend to be more uncomfortable as your smile is faces an evolving sense of pressure.

Moreover, the level of pain you experience is reliant on a few certain factors, such as; your personal pain tolerance and the severity of your smile’s specific misalignments. 

Normal No More

With that out of the way, it must be highlighted that Invisalign can be uncomfortable but should never cause severe pain for an extended period of time. While the first few days or so after getting new aligners, and especially the interim period directly after you first get Invisalign, can be uncomfortable, it should be relatively smooth sailing for the rest of the time!

If you experience any of the following, its highly encouraged you contact your dental professional immediately:

  • Significant pain after the first week
  • Trouble while eating food
  • Facial swelling
  • Bleeding throughout the teeth and gums
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold

Pain Alleviation Tactics

Each patient will experience these sensations differently, but it’s defiantly beneficial to educate yourself on proven methods to help alleviate Invisalign’s pain or discomfort as much as possible. Working towards a perfect smile is costly and may seem never ending, so dabble in any of these tactics to ensure you’re as comfortable as possible.

A bedtime habit

Before placing updated aligners in your smile, its recommended you insert them a few hours before bedtime instead of first thing in the morning. This grants your smile the correct window of time to become fully accustomed to these trays as you sleep through the pain. 

Staying on schedule 

Your professional crafts these trays to not only optimally fit your smile’s shifting alignment, but minimize the pain you feel as well. This is why it’s important to strictly follow this timeframe as well as any other advice your professional gives you!

Keeping them in

Invisalign’s number one rule is that it must be worn for 22 hours a day, giving you a grace period to take them out for meals or cleanings every now and then. It’s noted that some people report less pain when they wear Invisalign as long as possible, as their smiles become more accustomed to the aligners.

Pain management products

Dentists may recommend specific products, such as Orajel, which can be applied directly to the teeth and gums to alleviate pain. 

You could also invest in taking over the counter painkillers such as Ibuprofen, aspirin, or acetaminophen. Be sure not to become to accustomed to this, as it’s effectiveness will begin to waver. 

Softer foods

Especially during the periods where pain is most common, its recommended to eat softer foods like soups and smoothies. Avoiding crunchy or rough textured foods which require a lot of your jaws pressure will provide you with some well needed grace. 

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